Sound Houses 2003

In this Dream I was driving to my Grandmothers’ home…[significance] the name of the intersection my grandmother  lived on means “Sweet Song Center”,  growing up, we had many foster homes and moved many times but my grandmothers’ house was the most stable “home” we knew and many times they took us in, fed us, and  sustained us through our turbulent little lives. The house had been through a fire and was gutted and repaired…it was a tiny 2 bedroom house that in my senior year in high school we moved there again and my mother and little sister and I cramped into a tiny bedroom…I shared the bed with my mom and my sister had a rollaway …the only floor space was enough to open and close the door. My grandparents were not “Christians” overtly, in fact their conversations would never lead one to this conclusion…their actions spoke volumes though. There were, throughout the years, many others that knew the same hospitality and shelter that we had experienced there.

~Back to dream

I had my 3 children with me and I got out of the car to go into the Grammies house when suddenly I was lifted up to see Tompkins County.

I looked and saw tornados or whirlwinds across the county. Some larger some smaller, but as I looked I saw they were coming upon the houses of Worship. Some of these houses of Worship had one tornado, some had a few and one in particular had so many it at first looked like a forest coming towards it. So many hits it probably would not know when one storm ended and the other began.

I perceived that whirlwinds came from the Lord, they were sent to clean out debris, false teachings, idolatry, ways of men and soulish teachings that have crept in, in our zeal for “knowledge”, clean out religion and self-righteousness, take out “system” mindsets and restore the houses to be His homes where He Dwells and also to bring in new winds, new revelation, refreshing winds, new songs of praise and worship. I felt that these whirlwinds, at first, would be perceived as from the enemy and people would naturally pray against them…but they will not be stopped for God plans will not be thwarted. His refreshing winds cannot come until the cleansing winds have accomplished their purpose.

I was set back down on the ground and saw a whirlwind headed our way, I immediately got back into the car with the children (not having gone into my Grandmothers’ house), and drove quickly up the road until I came to an old hunting lodge (I had once lived here with my mother and sisters and my mother’s boyfriend [who was married]; adultery and child molestation were also in this home, I spent most of my youth playing outside so my personal experience was, this home as my home by the woods, unless I had the house to myself and the woods is where I loved to spend much of my time).The home was now very different from my childhood home (we had moved about 24 x before I graduated high school), one of my childhood homes. No longer was it a simple converted hunting lodge.

The house had been completely restored, renovated and was a warm inviting yellow, new siding beautiful windows, really lovely, had I not known this home so well, and its’ setting I would not have known it as the same house.

I saw the whirlwind close behind us…I hustled the kids inside (I didn’t knock).We entered on the 2nd floor, which was a surprise because from the outside it looked like the first floor. It was also much bigger inside than it looked from the outside. We hurried inside the entryway and I saw through the doorway as we were closing the door that the whirlwind was seconds away, I gathered my children under my arms and we huddled in an inside at a doorway that opened up to the greatroom. We were huddled with our heads together waiting for the inevitable….we stayed there like that for a couple minutes…bracing ourselves for impact.  I lifted my head and could see the first floor windows through the 2nd floor banister which we were huddled near and saw that the whirlwind was upon us. I saw the massive wind only because  it was thick and dark with debris, raging, violently against the windows…but the house was sound, If I wasn’t seeing it through the windows I would not have known there was a storm upon us, no shaking, no rumbling, no sounds to even hint of turbulence outside.

We got up and started exploring this house, the home was really nice, an open floor plan, second story wrap around banister, cathedral ceilings, a lot of windows, warm inviting colors, furnished for hospitality. The storm is still raging outside. I go down the stairs to the first floor and see my grandmother lying on a couch watching television in her bedroom. She had recently passed so I was glad to see her. I perceived that this was her house, this explains why I didn’t knock…no one had to knock at my Grammies house…everybody that knew her just went right on in and headed straight for the fridge, or the coffee pot. I also perceived that because of my walk with the Lord her inheritance had been greatly increased. I don’t know why I knew that, I just knew that, I had brought increase on the deposit of Glory from her side of the family.

Now, my grandmother had been pretty much sedentary for the last 30 years of her life partnering with the concept that she was “old” at the age of 50, the only thing that would get her off her chair was cooking, she loved to cook and have people over, for coffee and chatter and for dinner she always made extra in case anyone stopped by and many, many times people did, they were welcomed and fed. I lay down behind her on the couch and cuddled with my grandmother…feeling more like a mother than a grandchild. I laid there a minute or so but the television was distracting and I didn’t want to get sucked in or stuck there so I got up and kissed her head and continued to look around. I didn’t go back to her. I was headed toward the kitchen and the greatroom.

I was glad she had so much room and there was space for people to come over. I also felt that not only did I need to walk in that hospitality that my grandmother had,  but, I also felt that God was going to be opening up Believer’s homes as being a safe places from the storms, places of refuge, sound homes, homes of hospitality, open rooms, places of restoration, functioning  openly on different levels. Perhaps this is my inheritance as well, I thought.

End of dream~