Religious Business 2002

I  was driving in my car on a road towards a wooded area...l could see that the road continued up the hill, I stopped as a herd of deer walked across the road in front of me. The deer moved slow and almost with attitude. I looked at their faces and the deer were rather "angry" and somewhat brushing against my car as if I were in their way. In the midst of the herd was a "Sasquatch" looking demon, I felt as though he was a presiding Spirit over this herd an antagonistic presence stirring in their midst. The "Sasquatch" turned and stared intently at me trying to stir fear...a few of the deer copied his actions. I thought of many "gentle souls that actually have a lot of anger in their hearts.

The herd passed and suddenly I am walking up the hill, I am walking on a dirt road and am coming upon an open area. I see these heaps along the roadside, these heaps have me curious, I keep walking up and I see a steeple coming into view as I continue  to climb this hill.

The hillside itself is just ravaged, all the natural resources stripped used and gone, nothing replanted, no natural beauty...the church building looked like it was built in a gravel pit, but I got the sense that the church itself had used up the land and not replenished it. As I got closer I could now see the heaps along the sides of the road right outside the church building were people, of all ages, I saw a young girl, in a coat...lying there motionless. They looked as if they were dressed to go somewhere...ready  to go, but never really made it anywhere. Along the wayside, discarded. ready for a promised release that never came, there they lay. Were they not prepared?  Did they die waiting? Did the vision die? Why were they discarded like that? It was as if they were of no more use to whatever  was inside the church building and the church building spit them out.

I looked across the valley....a Mighty Storm was coming and it was coming against the church...I had an urgency inside my heart. and a deep compassion to warn whoever was inside.

I opened the door and stood on the threshold. I stood there a minute  a little overwhelmed by the clutter. As I waited to be welcomed in I looked around. This house was full of stacks of books, hymnals, candles, crosses, pictures and the like...! could hardly see across the room, So much STUFF, pretty decorations, beautiful things, candelabras, gold pots, lovely vases, things and things and stuff...then  I saw her.

"Good", I thought  as I waited for her, wow she was busy, bustling back and forth, no rest for the weary, she looked like she had so much to do. She'll acknowledge me when she gets a second. As I stood there waiting for a moment of her time, I was trying to be patient but this storm is coming and she really needs to come out of this stuff. Then I realize, she knows I'm there and she knows what I'm going to say...she knows why I  am there. Then I become somewhat  agitated and grieved....why  won't  she listen, furthermore, why won't  she stop what she doing and follow us.

At this point I realize the Lord is standing behind my right shoulder, I'm thinking she must really be doing something  important to be so preoccupied  as to not even look our way. I felt the Lord's presence and with it was able to see through  all the stuff.She bustled in silence not even glancing our way. I watched carefully, curious as to what monumental task she must be undergoing to not heed us....then, my heart sank within me.

She was busy doing nothing.

All this scurrying and activity, the intent look on her face the purposed gait in her walk. For what? The Word was not being preached, the Truth not spoken, no one fed, clothed, loved or even acknowledged. So content  was she in the vestiges of the work of her empty hands that she wouldn't even acknowledge our precious Lord. The Lords tapped my shoulder letting me know it was time to go. My heart was so heavy.

I followed the Lord out, pulled the closed behind me and continued to follow  Him up the hill.

Trees once more surrounded us, lush, beautiful forest.  We followed the dirt road then we turned  right onto  a foot path, single file, I had to follow  the Lord, follow  his footsteps. There was a home nestled in this wilderness  area, a cozy cabin type home. It was in this lush area and the swell of the forest filled your senses.

I  opened the door and the place was immediately Home, the fragrances and warmth  of deep fellowship greeted one as they entered in. There was busy-ness inside but it felt purposed and there was an atmosphere that you breathed  in, walked in and communicated in. You felt everyone there and they felt you. A oneness presided there and if it didn't feel so natural you would've  marveled over it for a long time. It also had a lot more open space inside than one would imagine from the outside. It felt like a safehouse, a  HOME.

I  had the feeling too we were waiting for others....many others and there was plenty of room for them. I was directed  to the end of the cabin and as I walked across the wood floors, there were two doors in front  of me like in a barn (storehouse, provision)  and they opened half way up  and I walked towards these opened  windows and I could see, through the opening in the trees,  down the length of Cayuga Lake.

A tall man came and stood behind me, it was not the Lord but I could feel the presence of the Lord on him. I  was very aware of his presence and felt that he was a help to me, we were connected somehow. We looked down the lake and the weight and blackness of the'storm could be felt from where we stood...miles away from it. When I saw this storm, my heart felt dread, a weight.

"Lord" I  asked with trembling, "who  will survive this storm?"

I  felt the moist, thick wind pick up and brush against my face, blowing my hair back.

-end of dream-

Dream StateKelly Cullen